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Seafood and Fresh Fish from Huelva

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▷ Is it the same whiting, pijota and hake? Find it out!

by Rocío Rodríguez Botello 25 Aug 2023 0 Comments
▷ ¿Es lo Mismo Pescadilla, Pijota y Merluza? ¡Averígualo!

Whiting, pijota and hake are names that are often used interchangeably, but are they really the same? In this article, we will discover the differences and similarities between these three fish that have conquered the table of seafood lovers.

Pescadilla or Pijota? Names that Vary by Region

The confusion between whiting and pijota lies in the fact that different names are used depending on the region. Despite the apparent difference, in many areas they are exactly the same fish. The whiting is slightly smaller than the pescadilla (or hake), and the denominations vary. In Andalusia and to the north, the term hake is used when the fish weighs more than two kilos and whiting when it is smaller. The story is further complicated by discovering that the whiting, when it was young, was called pijota, merlucilla or pijotilla. In southern Spain, whiting is often referred to as pijota, adding a unique twist to this history of names and flavors.

Characteristics and Varieties of Hake

Hake, a marine fish belonging to the gádidos family, encompasses different species. Its common scientific name is merluccius, which applies to several varieties. For example, the Gran Sol hake, similar to those caught in Galician waters but with its fishing ground in the south of Ireland. Other varieties such as the southern hake, typical of South American waters, or the Argentine hake (hubbsi), caught in the waters of the South Atlantic. Each of these varieties has unique flavor and texture characteristics.

Hakes in the Market

Today, the hake market is diverse and global. From African to Angolan, Senegalese or South American hake, the variety is wide. Hake from the Cape, Argentina, Chile and other fishing grounds reach the markets to satisfy the demand for this delicious species. However, the Cantabrian hake, known as skewer or hook hake, is increasingly scarce and valued. Their fishing has been reduced to respect the minimum size cycles and guarantee their sustainability.

A Reflection on Sustainability

It is important to keep in mind that currently, about 80% of hake catches are discarded and returned to the sea dead. This problem, known as discard, is influenced by economic reasons and community legislation. The environmental impact of these practices leads us to reflect on the need to sustainably manage marine resources and their conservation for future generations.

Link to the Authenticity of Isla Cristina

If you want to experience the authenticity of Isla Cristina through its marine products, we invite you to visit We are your door to the fresh and unique flavors that this coastal region has to offer. With more than 20 years of experience, we guarantee quality products that capture the essence of the sea and the local culinary tradition.

Conclusions: Exploring the Hakes of Isla Cristina

In summary, the differences between whiting, pijota and hake are often a matter of regional names and varieties. However, they all share the versatility and characteristic flavor that has made them a mainstay in marine gastronomy. In, we invite you to enjoy the best hake and marine products from Isla Cristina, connecting with the rich tradition and flavor of the sea.

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